i n . Styles - Foi* Have Summer ichan^ed -J NEW SHIRT } ?AISTS A .shipment of the very'latest tl rigs in pretty shirt \vaists has just arrived; be sure to see ti sse.. PALM BEACIH Palm Beach Suits and Separate These are "nifty" and cool. MID-SUMMER MI LLINERY If you bought your summer hatleiriy, you now have the opportunity of buying a Milan Harp, Panarr.n or some of the later mid-summer hats which! ? re arriving now. We also have the new wings and pomfcjjrns, etc., for trimming the new smart, white hats for midsummer. DRESS GOODS Dimities, Piques, Emroidered Ottindies ,in all their beauty and daintinessTiWe i ?{how them to you. SUITS klrts have just come In. AT 1-3 C*F Eat ?y Season Coat Suits and T of!. Mrs. B. Grajees McCall Pait Jrk ored Hats at one thud ndles, etc., are in now, We will be pleased to Boyd YOUR Parched am Dying 62-Phone~261 . . ' ? < ?; r. . .. .. For Rubber Mose, ALL GRADES . . . '. t .- ?. ?. ? *. V. . . . . . Sprinklers, Nozzles, ETC. Sullivan Hardware Co. Wear His Smile of Satisfaction by using a real paint . SHERWIN- WILLIAMS PAINT. NEPAMD is manufactured from the purest pt materials because The Sherwin-WH Hanxs Go. control the sources of their raw ' materials. Gives* protection for th? - longest possible time? Sold by C. M. GUEST PAINT CO. "Guest Sells the Best." ? CLUB MEMBERS IO FEAST JW EVENING ELEGANT SPREAD WILL BE ENJOYED AFTER INTER ESTING PROGRAM THE SPEAKERS Talks W?11 be Made on Timely Topics by Men Who Arro Ex pert in Their Linea. What promises to he the best ni pet ing of Ute Anderson Ad Club since this organization was perfected will take place thiB evening at the quar ters of the chamber of commerce. An unuauully interesting, program will be carrie} out, after which a tempting spread will be served. Augustus Antonakas. proprietor of tiie Piedmont and Acme cutes, will serve the luncheon, and the menu will Includer Roast loin of pork or beef, baked mackerel a la creole, sphsget tl a la Iialian, sliced'-tomatoes, olives, pickles, rice pudding, cotfee. tea and milk. An outline of the program Ia nr. fol low:.': Ei-gene P.rowo, of Hu Anderson Casn Grocer;? Co. will muk -J u talk 0:1 "Who Pays For AdvertHlng." John Linley, Hv? wire rent 'estate man of tb? ?tty, will speaks on ''Suc cessful Real Estate Advertising." Raymond E. Cochran ot W. ll.' Reese & Co., will speaV. on "Selling doods Over the Counter." Hugh Dixou of Evans Pharmacy Will speak on "Putting the Punch In. Candy Advertising-." Sam Balle of the Bes Hive will speak: on "Window Dressing.' H. B. Johnson, manager of thc local office of the Southern Express company will spe-ik on "Express Ser vice *' ' Hr. M. TJ. Campbell will speak on 'THe Relation of, Good Eyesight to Successful Busines j.' Clifford Shearer of !h.-> Bank of An j derron will spe?k ou "What a Hank Account Means to a Young Mai" those who conte^n^'at/j attending tho meeting tonight xt.f- requested I > notify President Harr/ Gel3l>erg ot be Ad Club not later, than 12 o clock today. NEGROES FIGHT One Stabs and Slashes Another Se verely. Sylvester Hawthorne out and se verely injured Will Aiken on Tuesday la?airavm, ri. hrrfh rrirV>rfinVifcttjrh>fr groes became involved in a difficulty. The result of this fight was that Aiken was sedt to the county hospital with evoral knife cuts and stabs in his body, and Hawthorne arrested and ' placed in the city jail. Aiken ls still in the hospital as a city prisoner. He is held on charges of fighting and disorderly conduct. Hawthorne is in the city jail being held ou the same charges. The wounded negroes's condition was con jldered critical. Ile wa:, much im proved Wednesday night. L,ess Meat If Back And Kidneys Hurt Take a Glass of Salts to Flush Kidneys If Bladder .Bothers You. Eating meat regularly eventually produces kidney trouble in some form or other, says a well-known author ity, because the urie acid in meat excites the kidneys, they become over worked; get sluggish; clog up and I cause all sorts. of distress, partic ularly backache and misery in tho I kidney region ; rheumatism twinges. ?severe headaches, acid r.tomoch, con stipation, torpid liver, sleeplessness, bladder and urinary irritation. The moment your back hurts or kidneys aren't acting right, or if blad der bothers you, get about four ounc es of Jad Salts from any, good phar macy; take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with llthla, and has beeu j Used for' generations to flush clogged kidneys and stimulate them to nor mal activity; also tq neutralize the ! acids in. the urinp so lt no longer Ir ritais, .thus ending bladder dlsor i de. s. Jad Salts cannot injure anyone; ?makes a delightful effervescent llthia. water drink- which millions of men and women take now and then to I keep the kidneys and urinary organs [clean, thus avoiding serious kidney -disease. sa?a?a+6?a 6?????e?w?????? ; HEAD STUFFED FROM CATARRH OR A COLD ; ? Says Cream Applied in Nostrils ; Opeas Air Passages Right Up. . K>oe?e4?e??o?0H?. Instant relief-no waning. Your clogged nostrils open right up; the air passages ot your bead clear and yon can breathe freely. No more hawking, snuffing, blowing, headache, dryness. No struggling tar breath at night; your, cold or e?*irrn dissppears. ? Oat a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from yonr druggist now. Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic, healing cream in your nostrils. It pen etrates through every air passage of the head, soothes the Inilamed or swollen mucous mr mb ran s and relict eames instantly. lt's just noe, . Don't stay stuffed ap wiih a cold or nasty catan h. Origin of 1 As Yeti MBS. W. A* HDOeSNS, Kilter Pao?? 17. Miss Lucilo Bray, and Mrs. Temple j Roy of Richmond, Va., are expected today, to be the guests of Mrs. C. F. Roso on Webb street. Mrs. Joseph J. Reed of Knoxville, j formerly Miss Felicia Murray, ls vis-' (Ung her mother, Mrs. Eva Murrey, ! in North Anderson, Mrs. W. K. Hudgen? and Miss Rose' Hudgens of Pelser and ?Miss Nunnie Kate Hudgens ol Laurens spent yes- ' terday in town. 1 Delightful Theatre Party. Miss R th Dickson entertained a few friends at a delightful theatre party on Tuesday afternoon at The Anderson theatre. Afterwards they had ices at Evana* Pharmacy. The guests for the afternoon were Missen J .nura denn, Louise Curreton, An nie Bell Glonn. Eunice Dean, Mar cile Guest and LOU?HO Adama Mr, William McGuire of Henderson ville. N. C., is the guest of Mr. Wil lett Sloan. Mrs. B. F. Martin of Greenville has been spending < several days with friends here. Missionary Society. On account of the chautauqua next week, thc regular monthly meeting of the Woman's Missionary ,Socicty ot St John's church will meet Thurs day afternoon of this week at 4:30 [O'clock at the home ot Mrs.' 8.' D. Brownlee. Special program. All ?members ape urged to be present. Informai Little Party. A charming little informal party was given on Tueuday evening by Mr."and Mrs. Willett Sloan at their home on Society street. It was just an informal little affair and the evenir s was spent playing cards. After the" cards were laid asid? this attractive? young hostess proved her ability 'as a house kaoper in the dainty mene'she served. Those present were Miss Louise Gllme/, Miss Jessie Browhe, Miss Kathleen Norryce, 'MT. Amble Cathcart, Mr. Wilkes Webb, Mr. John Dickson, Mr. Charlie Watkins, and Mr. "Will Mc SStta of H^raaJvini? N ?, ? , A Ilcppy Birthday Party. 'A very* napp}** pfcrty'for little folk* was given yesterday afternoon by Master Harry Strfbling. It was thti fourth birthday of the little host, and In accordance with his wishes he had "a whole bunch of boys and Just ii little few jlrls." The time was spent on the lawn, each ehild being given a flag and a cap, and they drilled und marched and flayed soldiers to their hearts content. A dainty sweet course was served on the lawn, tho ice cream being served in cones. The children were delighted and Mastrc Harry has the cordial good wishes of eacli one for ic an y happy returns of thc day. IVA NEWS. Thc Philatliea ciaos of tho Presby terian church will'meet Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the home of Miss Lilts Seawrlght. TTie W. C. T. U. will" meet Satur day afternoon at 4 o'clock In thc Methodist church. Rev. S. J. Hood will make an address on temperance ?nd all the members arc urged to be present on this occasion. Dr. J. O. Wilson has moved into the house which he recently purchas ed from T . B. Mauldtn. Miss Lois Rampey of Hodges is tho guest this week of her sister, Mrs. T. Q. Smith. The United minstrels will give a performance tn the chool auditorium Friday night at 8:30. This company ls from Hartwell, Ga., and cornea highly recommended. Miss Margaret Wilson has returned from a short stay with friends in Lowndesville. Rev. S. J. Hood will begin a Be* les of meetings Friday night at -.he Grace church. Rev. W. C. Kerr of Bradley will assist him In these meetings. -1-.-?-~ FLAT ROCK. fr-':. ' This community was saddened and shocked test Thursday morning when it "was heard thai, Rev. J. B. Herron was ' dead. His good influence will long be remembered and especially will he be missed by the Oak Grove Sunday school, where he has faith fully served Wi superintendent for the past thre? years. We extend our deepest sympathy to the bereaved relatives. . - Mr. Jack Cromer and sister and Mes Pentsac?la Branyan ot the Double Springs sppnt Sunday- at thc home of Mr. J. L. Branyan. Mrs. Jessie Webb, Miss Vinnie Webb and Mr. and Mrs. Hall went to Starr Sunday. Mrs. Sarah Ashley visited her sla ter. Mrs. John T. Milford, near Long Branch recently. The Fist Rock school will close next Friday. This has been a very successful tenn wit! Mis?es Pet Tate *ifi Kate Shirley ?.J teachers, i Oak Grave School. ?3 The Oak "Gr?vr> school below wit Hamstoa will give an entertainment on the night ot Saturday. May S, 191*. The entertainment will be held in tne yard of Mr. Archie Cox. who lives near the uchooi. Admission 10ot Fire Is S7ot Kn NUMBER OF THEORIES ARE ADVANCED BUT WITHOUT SUPPORT RECAPITULATION OF THE LOSSES Revised Figures Show C ross Lott of Nearly $60,000- Insur ance of $37,00 AB yet tho origin of Tue.: k?r night's big Pre lins not been ?ic( :t|te|y de termined, and; lt Ia probabj * that the '.icttlon will'never hf ac .un i ly .<. tied. A ( number of thoji a or tht or'j'in of tho conflagr,v.lo.i ?ve been advanced, hut not er. o up I -?vidence '. ? beeq advanced to supp rt any ouij ol them. In the excitement lucid ut to the fire - Tuesday night stntcu I?U'1H were made by Insurance men a ?d' persons who were working io the Hue Ridge freight yards when tho fire broke out the blar.e apparently start djWhen a spark from a Blue Ridge ! n lwpy loco motive fell among Jute In a Warehouse of the T. K. Anderson 'S^t. An employee of the railroad company | stated tlmt ho raw the 1 la? when lt wa? no larger than a men's hat and that it wa? burning i i. !i|r. An derson's hr ll house. Mr. Anderson however, is of tba. oplnio j that tho fire started between the urti house and the big lumber warehi uso' of Mr. J. K. Barton. While r. irejfal per sons saw tho fire in its trteiploney, no ono is able to st'ite w tli-*ny de cree of autlicrity Just he v ^he fire originated. From tito f <-c: that a locomotive was shitting in the vicini ty of the warehouse a fe T^nlnuten prior to the breaking out ?'the fire, lt wat generally supnosed t ind's syar.: from the engine tell in the iaflurirmi u'e material. However, th i jV. mcr" ly circumstantial nvidenc t^and ns thero is considerable dif utenc; ?.f opinion as to just where UK ur; start ed there, is everv probabUl y.gthat mc reports of how the fire crij lasted arc all wrong. At any rate, the Hamos iyeic first discovered by Conductor M's ^ia'.i and Engineer Anderson cf tbe lld-: Hldge Railway shitting crew. wau., declare that tho flames were confieso to thc hull houfcc of ?.:r. T. Q. Inh'.lcrson. Engineer Ar.dcrsou soundedj&e alarm on Ute locomotive wblsjU. while siwHewwu teltiphtmctf 111 u'Vall to the Ure department. Within a few tulnT utcs the full fire department wal on the scene, and for several hours tdd heroic work. It was extrsmoly difficult Tuesday night to arrive at anything Uko an accurate statement ot IOSBCB from the ?ir?. Approximate figures is thc bcr.t that could be done under tho circumstances. Yesterday it was possible to arrive at a more nearly accurate statement of the losses, the Insurance and the net losses, which figures out as follows: I J. E. Barton, gross loss, 12,1'iC; In surance $400; net loss, $11,!f,o. 1VQ. Anderson, sross loss, 5 H .COO; iusurance, $?,000; net loas $ft,300. * Brue Ridge Railway, gross loss. $3,300; insurance $:i,?i!0; r.ct loss, $.".00. I*. & N. Lull way, gror.n ions, $2'.'.-. OOO; insurance $27,000, net lo AS, none. G. E. Turner. gratis loss. $1.00?; In surance, $G0G; net .uss, $400 David Dren nun, gross los-'. $?.0ti0; Insurance $.100; net lons fiQO. Chero-Colc Company, groin loas, $200; net loss, nene. ?n^crso.i Phosphate & (lil Company, gross loss, $.100; insurance $500; ucl loss, none. Total, gross loss $r>9..r>.0; insurance, $::7.U!0; net loss. $22,460. ALL VOTORCYtXK CONTEST Another .V.ichl^v to Bc Given Away. The second motorcycle content of tho Liggett and Myers Tobacco Com pany is to be started in Anderson gt an early date. Thia contest is to bc conducted along the same lines as the recent one, but tho machine will be given to some man with if. tbs city limita. Thc Vr?t contest wss limit ed to mill employees, and Mr. J. A. Mullan, tho Liggett and Myers man in this territory says that he does not wish to have the "town boys" think that his company is in any woy partial, and he has asked that this second contest be put on in tr'.si city. The machine will arrive la Ander don soon, and will be placed ou ex hibition at the Evans Pharmacy No. 3. This machine will be another Indian of thc same style and model as the first machine given.here. Since Mr. Mullan came to Anderson he has secured several "features" fo the town. First he started thc mill motorcycle contest and then, he se cured a premium department. Now he is starting the second motorcycle contest. CITROLAX CITROLAX1 CITROLAX! Best thing vor constipation, soar stomach, laxy liver and sluggish bow els. Stops a <*!ck headache almost at once. ?Olvea a most thorough and satisfactory fl? siring-no pain, no nausea. Keeps your system cleansed, sweet and wholesome.-R. H. Weih echt. Sait Lek* City, Utah, writes: "I find Citrol&x the best laval Ive I ever used. Does not gripe-no unpleasant after-effects." Evans Pharmacy. IC liar Adas WE'RE PROUD TO SELL GENUINE PALM BEACH SUITS because They Give Satisfaction. We carry in stock Slims, Stouts and Regu lars in several different modeis and collars. We Invite Your Inspection Before,Buying. T. L. CELY CO. ?a- .? During the past live, ten or more years, how much have YOU saved as a reserve to bc drawn upon in the later and more needy period of your life? Thc SAVING HABIT is very important for you to have in preparing for the time when you may not be In health, strength and energy that is yours today. Why not start that Savings account TODAY? We pay interest on deposits. Peoples Bank of Anderson ... ijMBS?n assn WSBX assassai .^seata* .L J? JLX <*EJ iw They are the tires that carry you longest, far therest and easiest, with most miles per dollar and fewest stops on the way. For Sale By Todd Auto Shop Girl in Bridgeport's Strange Tragedy. HUs Emili Wheeler. Miss Emily Wheeler ls tbs youn? woman of Bridgeport Conn., whose lance, Arthur H. Cowl, had her pull % ribbon attached to a revolver with which he killed hlmseir. It has been :onsldered one ot the strangest trage lies known in many years. Tho /our.g man had recently returned 'rom Bermuda and had gone to the lome of the girl-to visit her.. While nlking amicably about their mar riage to take place lalor he asked ?er to pull a ribbon which he held >ut to her, first turnfnn her head .way. She did und be exclaimed that ?he trick didn't work. Later there was a loud report'and'he fell dead at her feet. Tile young woman was thrown tatt? hysterics and Sid not recover for sev eral days. The coroner who Investi gated wa-> certain that when she pall ed the trigger the pistol did rot shoot. The young man, who bsd her turu away from him again, must have pull ed himself, it was said. The only ex planation of the tragedy is that his bsd health must have driven him in sane for a moment. In fact, in a talk previous to the shooting he seid to th? giri that he was at times not fetau telf.-_;. . i "? wT-r>ir{