SOUTHERN RY. ISSUES EINANICIALSTATEMENT Showing Marked Decrease in In come--Large Amount Spent for Improvements. Washington, May 3.-The results of operation of Southern Kuilwuy com pany, for the months of Mun h. 19ir, and 1914, and for the period of nino months this year and lust year, ex elusive of interest, rentals and other income charges, were announced by Comptroller A. H. Plant today as fol lows: Qross revenues, March. 1915. $">. 2*0,249; March 1914. $C,0G4.697 : de crease, $774.348. or 12.77 per cent. Operating expenses, taxes and un collectible railway revenue. Mardi. 1916, $4,086,977; Mardi. 1914, 14. 745,801; decrease, $708.824, or 14.94 uer cent Operating income, March. 1915. $l, 253,272; March, 1914. $1.318.790; de crease, $65,624, or 4.97 per cent. In addition to the foregoluK operat ing expenses, the company spent dur ing the month for improvements to tts roadway and structures, $743, 166.76, as against $244.599.28, for March, 1914, an Increase of $498, 666.47. Corresponding results for the nine months, are as follows: Gross revenue, this year $47,326, 234; last year $64,095,612; decrease, $6,769,378, or 12.51 per cent. Operating expenses; taxes and un collectible, railway revenue, this year. $87,703,293; last year, $40.709.742; de crease, $8,006.449. or 7.39 per cent. Operating income, this year, $9. \. 622,941; last year, $13,385,870; de crease, $8,762,929 or 28.11 per cent. In addition to the foregoing operat ing expenses, the company spent, dur ing the nine months this year, for improvements to ita roadway and . structures, $6,951,846.89, as against $2,092,160.33 during same period last .year, an Increase of $4,935,686.56. Operating Income as shown above represents the amount remaining at tar the payment of only those expens es Incurred in the nctual operation of -railway and of taxes, and takes po account of the charges for hire of equipment, rental or leased lines, ter minals, and ottwr facilities, and Inter est on funded debt (bond?), all of which costs are charged against op erating income. NEW DEPARTURE BY CENSUS BUREAU Will Take Local Census Between Periods at Request and Ex pensa of Cities. (Washington, May 3.-The Consus bureau baa established a new prece dent by enumerating, at local request and expense, the population of n city between census years. This was doue last month at Tulsa, Okla., und?. authority of a presidential order, anu aa a result tho population of that etty on April 16, 1915. was officially rnuounced a few daya ago as 28,240 exclusive ot 1,985 persona living on "Indian lands" located within or ad jacent to the olty but politically dis tinct from lt. The Increase between 1910 and 1915 was 56 per cent. Tho work was done by local enumerators under the supervision of Mr. Eugene K Hartley, an official of the census burean. If Back Hurts Ute Salts For Kidneys Eat Lesa Meat if Kidneys Feel Like Lead or Bladder Bothers. Most folks forget that the kidneys, like tbe bowels. >:et sluggish and clogged and need a flushing occasion ally, else we have backache and dull misery in the kidney region, severe headaches, rhoumatlc twinges, torpid liver, add stomach, sleeplessness and all sorts of bladder disorders. You simply most keep your kidneys active and clean, and the moment yon feel an ache or patn In tho kid ney region, get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any good drug store here, take a tablespoonful tn a glass ot water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. Thia famous salts la made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, Combined wlfi llthin, a. d ia harmloss to flush clogged kidneys ?aid stimu late them to normal activity, lt also neutralizes the acids in the urlcc so lt no longer irritates, thus ending Madder disorders. Jad Salts ls harmless; inexpensive; makes a delightful effervescent lithia water drink which everybody should take now and then to keep their kid nays olean, titus avoiding serious complications. A well-known local druggist ssys ho sella lota of Jad Salts to folks who believe In overcoming kidney trouble while lt ls only trouble. YBKSBYTEKIAN CEMETERY. Th? committee on the card ot the Presbyterian Cenwtory wish to call attention to Ute fact that the time has como for cleaning off the grounds, preparatoiy to the exercises of Me morial day. All pa' les interested are toasted io send ?elp on Thursday. Ctb, or hand cash contributions either of the undersigned. W. T. W. Harrison. BfVt^v- C. C. Langston,. C. E. Tony, G. K Earls, ... Committee. Season Tickets For Our Forthcoming Redpath Chautauqua In arranging to inaugurate this Chautauqua this year the local committee bought 1,000 $2.50 season tickets, which will be sold, while they last, by them for ^ QQ each. When these tickets are exhausted no season tickets thereafter can be had for less than $2.50 Also, the price of season tickets will not be reduced from the first day to the close of the Chautauqua. For the single admissions to the respective entertainments see program. Season tickets are non-transferable except within the owner's family. All season tickets are good for seven week days. There will be no Chautauqua on Sunday. tr ^Tjr|? ?^1?"F?TVT'^ 'pT/^l/ T^T^ Admit children aged six to fourteen years inclusive?, KJ O. A Lu XJ L\.CL\ ^ JL lltfXVJZ; J. D All crtildren are admitted to the children's work free. Chautauqua Week Here May 10th. to 17th. Harvesting ai Southern Stn WASHINGTON. May 3.-The > fol lowing nummary tuken from ii new farmer's bulletin, No. 6G64, of th?' United StntOB department of agricul ture, "Strawberry Growing In the South." shown he imporance of care ful grading and packing if the grow er expects to obtain "iiuallty"prlces: Picking the Fruit The stago of maturity at which berries should be picked depends up on the distance they are to be ship ped. When grown for a local mar ket they should be picked when thoroughly ripe but not soft. lt grown for a distant market the ber ries must be picked before they are j thoroughly ripe, but they should be fully grown and about tliree-fourthH ripe. If picked before they are color ed the berries will shrink and wither, making them unfit for Bale. Straw berries should be picked with a short piece of stem attached (about one fourth to one-half inch). They should never be slipped from the stem, an that apolla their appearance and In jures their shipping and keeping qualities. Parking. Uniformity in the pack ls essential In order to obtain high prices for strawberries, and this cnn be secur ed only when the berries havo boen carefully graded and sorted. Some growers have the berries graded in the field. A common practice in some sec tions is to pick thc ripo berries of all grados Into the same box and , when the tray is full to take it to the packing shed, where the berries are sorted and packed. The graders dump ' tho berries on a table and pick out all green, overrlpes or small berries. 1 The others aro placed In the boxes, ' one of the graders arranging the top layers In auch a way that the berries j show to best advantage. Whon ber ries are packed in this manner, caro should bo taken not to put the small, Inferior berries in the center of' tho box and the large fine berries on top. The fruit should bo uniform throughout the box, with the top lr.y er merely placed to add to the at tractiveness of the pack and to hold the f-uit In place. Where a fancy pack It put up, the berries should be divided into two grades. After the berries ' are picked they should be placed in the shade as soon aa possible, for heat injures tho fruit in a short ime. The pickers should not be allowed* to leave thc flited boxes ale.:?: the rows, wlmre the ber ries will be exposed to the sun. Tho LA NOE It COLLEGE Monday wat. given over to the fun and frolic of field day. When the day was set tho weather, man had not bon consulted, and lt was found to be ruther warm. But every ono seemed to have a pleasant time and some Une games were played. The tennis trophy cup was won by Miss Oriana Berry, and Ute Rompers' cap tured the baseball cup. One day his week at chapel Vi i girls had tho pleasure of hearing Mrs. Mutta Martin, a Presbyterian mis sionary at home from the Belgian Congo. She made a wonderful plea for more workers in the Dark Conti nent. With Mrs. Martin were her baby son and lil:? nurse Rukuma. who ia the daughter of an African chief. Dr. Wilson was absent several days this week attending district con ferences st ' Marlon and at Andrews. Mr. Edwards, of the faculty, repre sented Lander at the conference at Hone* Patti. The weekly talk was mado by Mr. D. A. O. Outs who spoke ditions. From boyhood days, as a tobacco factory laborer to president and ac tivo director of ono of the world's largest tobacco industries, tells tho snap-shot life story of Richard J. Reynolds, of Winston-Salem, N. t\ Afr. Reynolds believes In advertis ing. He reinvest*" between two and three per cent, of his annual sales In advertising. When you know that In 1914 the R. J. Reynolds Tobacco com pany's output amounted to many mil lions of pounds of tobacco, lt Isn't difficult to understand just what two R. J. REYNOLDS Founder and President of thc R. J Reynolds Tobacco Co. or thyre per cent. . In advertising means in dollars and cents. The Rey nolds advertising account is among the heaviest ever known. In 1894 Mr. Reynolds first realised, that, properly applied and backed by tobacco worth all he asked for it, ad vertising was profitable. He Invested $4,000 that year and saw his business grow over 200.000 pounds. Next year to spent five times as much-and his business doubled! v Sincere Belief In Quality, From that period to tho present the R. J. Reynolds Tobacco company has surged forward with sincere be lief In the quslity of Its brands-and Arm confidence in marketing tttem with intelligently conceived and ap plied newspaper and magazine adver tising. - The M orv of Richard 4. Reynolds' career ts of real interest to every maa In business, because, bumble as was Us beginning, it proves what ambl IE STANDARD F ADVERTISING PITHY VIEWS OF A BIG NEWSPAPER A I? VU UTI HE H Extracts from tho Interview willi Mr. lt. J. Reynolds: "Newspapers are unquesUon ?lily the standard form of ad? vertlalng.*' "Newspapers are good ndver tising mediums or this cont puny vvonld hare found lt ont before it began investing hun? dmls of thousands of dollars In their columns annually.** MA muuufacturer who has u good product and will tell the truth about it in the dally newxpupers will maka an un qualified success." "it would be hard to depre ciate the value of the newspa per ns an advertising medium." lion and sincerity and a fine realiza tion of square dealing can produce in success.- Principles that governed Mr. Reynolds' work from the very start are the. foundation of the pres ent euormouc business. Mr. Reynolds was one of the first men to nee tho possibilities of the culture und manufacture of tobacco In the world-renowned Piedmont re gion, and not lacking in courage and boldness, risked everything he had to try lt out The venture has not only blessed personally the labor of his awn hands, but likewise the labor of thousands and thousands who depend entirely upon the culture or manu facture .of tobacco for their liveli hood. Development of the Industry. Tobacco, as an industry, lacked all system when Mr. Reynolds entered the business years ago. Tho grower was subject to laws of greed and ..hanee. which means he was paid for the tobacco he grew any price H pec ulators chose to tlx. With the devel opment o? manufacturing came real competition for the leaf, which in turn, developed splendid warehouses Tor Its proppr handling. This pro duced a system of weighing and grad ing that completely uprooted practic es of the speculators and gave all an jqual chance. Mr. Reynolds ls a modest, unas suming man of unusual size, with In lefatigable energy and Independent will. Among all the many thousands if employes in the great factories at irVinston-Salem, there is no one more approachable, more democratic In mareeter than the founder and pres cient, who watches with the closest icrutiny and directs with extreme foresight every phaso of his immense business. Mr. Reynolds talks us interestingly IS reads ? the story of his business success. "I started roy career In crowing and manufacturing tobacco when I was a boy," said the founder, is he chatt/.d to the wrlttir la tho sig executive building at Winston 3alem a few weeks ago, "serving my imo as a laborer in a tobacco fact ory. At the agu of 18 i was pro noted to superintendent of this fac ory. In those days tobacco factories >nly ran four months in the year and he other eight months I wat? engag td se a tobacco salesman. Only to Slake a Fair Profit "The principles that governed my york from the beginning aro the 'oundation of this business. Iv the ?arly days some of the boys on tho .oad had an idea that the ones who rauld He the biggest were the best talesmen. Nearly all of thean iel: >ws ?vere glib talkers and their influence vas not the best for a boy. My fath er realizing this, told rae the day that : started out to sell tobacco that a nan who would Ho for a dollar would desi a dollar, advising me? always, inder all conditions, to tel* the truth ibout the tobacco I was selling and .ever ask a price that would yield nore than a fair profit. "In Ute section in which' I waa -alsed at that timo rallroa* s were ew and far between. I, therefore, oaded a wagon with tobacco nnd sou p drive through the mountains, tailing on farmers, selling them their .upJilea-for a year, taking in ex :hnf te for thta tobacco money or ar ly produce. The oxpet-len?o I tain i tn manufacturing tobacco and I Pl F Gold Band Soap Wr Ryan's Naphtha Pow Wrappers Can Be Peoples New Furniture Ci Come In and (Jet t selling the output of the factory to] actual consumers has been and ls to day, valuablo in the conduct of thia business. Experimenting In Advertising. "In IS72 I felt the need of a more thorough business education and gavo up this vork to take a course at a j business college. In 1873 I began the manufacture of .tobacco in a log cabin factory 60 miles from a- rail road ir Patrick county, Virginia, with a capital of $2,700. The first year in business I manufactured 40. 000 rounds, the next year 80,000 pounds and then sold my brands and ? trade marks to my partners, and moved to Winston-Salem for the ben efit of railroad facilities, and on ac count of this town being located In the center, of the belt In which the finest tobacco in the world is grown. "I erected here a plant that cost $2,400 and began business with a capital of $7,500, taking in a partner, whom I bought out two years later. We manufactured the first year, 150,-1 000 pounds, which waa the capacity i of the plant. From the** on, about | every other year, tbis factory waa built on top, bottom and additions made to each end, until the business waa increased to 1.000,000 pounds, having taken 18 years to secure thia volume. "In 1S92 the bualness amounted to 1,085,929 pounds; in 1893 the b >sl-] ness amounted to 1,008,101 pounob. Seeing that my business had lost over the previous year and having accumulated more capital than was necessary to -un the business, I de cided to experiment in advertising. It was really rry first experience, and. I have found it profitable ever albee. Big Returns From Advertising. "I spent abodt $4,000 in 1894 and secured an increase to 1,216,8281 pounds. Seeing that the profits on , tlie Increase I made more than re- i Imbursed me for tito money invested. I waa influenced to make an appro-1 prlatlon for the next year of $40,900 ! and erect a building with a capacity of ten times the business that waa being done at that time. The $40, 000 expenditure increased the busi ness that year to 2,128,763 pounds. : ; "The sixth year this factory was j overworked, the output representing i 11,389,822 pounds. Since that time | tho appropriation for advertising ha? : been increased year after year- pro- i portionatel:' with the Increase in j business." 1 Mr. Reynolds is a firm believer in i surrounding hirnse* with able lieu- i ea an ts. Ar. early as 1888 he effect- < M* an arrangement with some ot his smployes. whereby they would share n the profits of the business. In ' 1893 a company was formed and' In corporated. The percentage ot pro lta that employes were receiving rep-| resented the percentage of stork they had in the company. A number ot tho | tame employes are engaged in thia t business today. j Newspapers the Standard. "Newspapers and magasines have | jonst?tuted the backbone of all our. uivertlslng." continued afr. Reynold*. "1 believe that a manufacturer who j nt l good product with which he cab sake a popular appeal, and will teil die truth about lt in the datly news papers, hacked with a good selling j irganlsaUon, will make an unquall-] led success. I have had ample ex perience with this form of advert?s ng to provo, beyond any doubt, that I lewopapers are, unquestionably, tho] daudard form of advertising. "Thia business ia international in ta acope. "We, therefore, have passed . he stage on several branda ... advertising is concerned. Hence. ? connection with newspaper adver Cil?Ulllo I FOB? appers and dered Soap Coupons Redeemed at R 1?7 E. WIIITNER ST. !*. ANDERSON ?ur Premium List tislng, we use national publications. In establishing branda we cover the country section by section, relying on newspapers for our main advertising support. "When you consider the number ot newspapera that daily go into the millions of home and how dependent we all are upon them for the world's news, it would be hard to depreciate their value as an advertising, medium. After all, lt's a simple matter of man ufacturing a good article-and letting the people know the truth about lt. Nc Retrenchment Owlug to War. "Yes, newspapers -are good adver tising mediums, or this compauy would have found it out before it be gan Investing hundreds of thousands of dollars in their columns annually. "Thia company thought enough ot advertising as a Belling medium not to retrench on expenses in this di vision, of the business when the Eu ropean war broke out. As a matter of fact, moro money waa apportioned to advertising' than, we would have otherwise expended. ' Aa a result, we are doing the largest business in our history. "We conduct our business conser vatively, having no money to throw away in any direction. But this com pany never hesitates to back ita bus iness judgment, depression or no de pression. If we waited for good times to roll around to get business, there would be mightly little incentive for work. The time to work is all tho time. And the time*to pull that ex tra spurt that every man has Btored away ls in slack times. We meet cou-' ditions and overcome them. "As a matter of fact, business throughout the entire land is im proving; very much faster than the pessimits dare to admit." Notable Examples ef Success. Returning to the subject of adver tising, Mr. Reynolde Bald: "Probably the best example In this history of advertising is Prince Albert, pipe and cigarette tobacco Six years ago lt was a new brand. Real and true tobacco quality behind ev y printed word has made Prince -tlbert the largest selling brand of oioklng to bacco in the world! It '. today sold tn every civilised count y, "Camel cigarettes is another ex ample. Less than a year ago we in troduced Camels to the public, and th vu ?a advertising, backed by un true*, Joned quality, are now selling In a national way." This company aas ser jral other brands that are by rar the largest sellers in their re spective markets." Legal Notices NOTICE-A3 TO COMMUTATION ROAR TAX All persons liable to road tax for 1915 are hereby notified that the tim? Tor payment to the county treasurer of said taxes will expire on the 1st day <>f May, 1916. After that date a penal ty will he attached. J. MACK KINO. Supervisor. For Coughs that "liane Os." Ungering colds, bronchial coughs, a grippe colds and similar alimenta hat "hang on" until May are likely to est all Bummer if not cured. Fol?-y's Honey and Tar Compound will, allay nflammution, clear stopped passages, .eli&ve distressing discharges nt the vont,?-,, banish stuffy, ng and neal and sooth/- raw nasal and ironcuKu passages, it ls prompt in 1 sure. Coutni ipiatco. Eran . Pharmacy.